Monday, July 31, 2006



Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of harnessing the natural forces of nature, to promote prosperity, harmony and vitality. In Oriental countries, Feng Shui practitioners have strived to manipulate the metaphysical forces of nature known as 'Chi' to enhance their career, relationships and business success. Numerous successful people and multi-millionaires in Asian & other countries will gladly testify to the potent effects of Feng Shui in their lives.Vaastu International is dedicated to providing its clients with authentic Feng Shui services and aims to promote traditional Feng Shui to the world.

This Chinese art of placement can help you to create harmony, balance and positive energy in your environment through the proper placement of furnishings, art, mirrors. objects and plants. Positive energy is created in your home and business environment by working with the natural flow of energy.

Feng Shui (Fung Shway) is a 3,000 year old tradition.


There are 9 areas in our home and businesses that we can tap into to create powerful, positive results. Often overnight! Those areas are:

Career & Opportunity, Knowledge, Family, Health, Wealth &Good Luck, Fame & Recognition, Partnership & Marriage, Children & Creativity, Helpful People& Travel.

Each wall and corner in our environment represents one of these areas.

For example, if you want a new career or to advance your present one you would go to the area that represents Career and create positive energy by adding something, like a lush healthy plant, a fountain (moving water represents prosperity in Feng Shui) or a picture that inspires you. You may also need to take something away from the area, like clutter.


Everyone. Any person who wants to realize their goals and find a perfect balance for themselves, their family, their employees, or customers can benefit from Feng Shui.

Many people in real estate, retail, professional services, small and large companies and individuals have enhanced their careers, created strong relationships, resolved conflicts, overcome challenges, and achieved peace and serenity through the Power ofFengShui.

Businesses using Feng Shui can create low stress, high productivity environments for their employees while conveying an atmosphere of quiet elegance for their customers.